Mrs. Thorne invited all students with a January birthday to eat lunch with her.
Here MA and CL are getting a hug from her. Happy Birthday girls.
I love to see happy kids!
Today we started reading a new Jigsaw Jones story.
In the story, the students put their heads together to solve a riddle.
These three were listening well, because as soon as I read that
part, their heads went together.
I gave everyone their new spelling words today.
Today we started reading a new Jigsaw Jones story.
In the story, the students put their heads together to solve a riddle.
These three were listening well, because as soon as I read that
part, their heads went together.
I gave everyone their new spelling words today.
Here the boys are writing the word on the board.
After writing the word, we switch into math.
We are learning how to figure the area of an item.
Here BB is outlining the area of the word "here".