Help Needed!
We are going to build scarecrows this Friday. I have a few parent volunteers and am looking for a few more. If you are interested, please send me an email or call. We will need you from noon to about 1:00.
Writing Words
We are beginning a new project. We now have 5 words a week that we are learning and will be required to correctly spell these words in all of our writing from this point on. Please keep track of these words so you can help keep them in our long term memory.
This weeks words are: the, they, was, were, here
We will not be tested on these words formally like our spelling words, but will have to have them correct in our writing.
The bus company sent some buses to us so we could learn how to evacuate safely if we ever needed to.
Children love getting on a bus. They have a wonderful "energy" to them.
Wish we were taking a trip soon.
No pumpkin patch this year, but maybe we will be able to work something else out.
I'll keep you posted.
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