Thursday, November 03, 2011

First to 25 Miles

C.K. and K.L. were the first students in the whole school to reach 25 miles. 25 miles is 5 walking club cards. You have to do 20 laps to finish a card. If you are the first from your class to walk 25 miles, you get any kind of ball you want. If you reach 25 miles you also get to meet with Ms. Oakland for lunch.

Almost everyone brought in their read-a-thon bookmarks. In the month of October if you meet your goal of 5 hours, you get to go to Skate City for a skating party.

A group of students are creating kitten plays. There are a total of 8 kids that are participating in the plays. The plays are a mix of both inside and outside plays.


Miss H said...

I'm very proud of you. I see you walking during recess. Way to go!!

Very proud to know this class. You start my day off so nicely.
Keep up the great work!!

kirsten said...

Great job KL and CK! Congratulations on being the first in the WHOLE SCHOOL to reach 25 miles! I know you worked really hard on this!!