Wednesday, March 08, 2006


We started today off with a Mad Minute.Then we played a quick round of math flashcards.
This afternoon we made penguins to scale. This is GB and JS measuring thier rockhopper which is 18 inches tall.
After painting our penguins, we searched for more information about them. We will have them in the hall for you to see when you come to the Pie Social tomorrow night.
This is EB, JB and BW getting information on the yellow eyed penguin. They even got to listen to what one sounds like. That was neat.
Here is GB cutting out the penguin that he and his group made.
HK, TL and DA are working on their Macaroni penguin.

1 comment:

Annie said...

This looks like a fun fun fun classroom. Do the parents know of this wonderful site and if so, why aren't they commenting!!!!! I just came upon your site by chance but oh, it brings back memories of my childhood in my favorite classroom.