Saturday, September 08, 2007

Off To A Great Start

We are off to a great start of our new school year.
These boys were happy to see each other again after the summer break. NS and BB enjoying recess on the first day of school.Good times together.

This years group of students know each other well and are very close friends.

We are lucky enough to have an interactive white board in our classroom.
Here you can see TC adding money to his bank.
L is enjoying a good book during reading block.
We had our first birthday celebration this week.
Here is LH posing for her picture that we will use on the cover of
her birthday magazine.
Wednesday we took a math test.
NE used his number line on a few problems.
J worked on the floor so that she could work independently.
N checked her work using her fingers.
ML found a good spot to enjoy his book.
Here the girls are partner reading during reading block.
We are making a scrapbook of our school year and on this day
we were transferring our first day of school writing onto our AlphaSmarts.
AlphaSmarts are very similar to laptop computers, but more kid friendly.
DL is very focused as he works on his writing.
On Friday we had our "Welcome Back To School" assembly.
The Round Up court came...
our school mascot, Bucky, gave one of the princesses a ride.
The Happy Canyon Princesses came too.
We also wanted to help Mrs. Miltenberger get comfortable in her new role
as Principal. Fifth grade students gave her "cowgirl" items to help her
look the part.
It has been a great first week of school.
Thank you parents for all your help getting us up and ready for this year.
I appreciate how quickly you got all the school papers filled out and returned to school.
I will update the blog 3-4 times a week so please visit it often to see what
is happening in our room.


Anonymous said...

thank you.........this is so great. I am excited about checking back to see what is happening in the classroom :)
L Holcomb (aka Gabe's grandma)

Anonymous said...

This is so great! I will look forward each week to seeing all of their smiley faces. Blake was very excited to share this with us. Thank you for taking the time to do this for them all. We enjoyed it very much!!!Here's to a great year....The Been family

Holly Renee said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to keep this updated. Being a working mom, I don't get to help in the classroom like I wish that I could. I am excited to see what is going on in the class and to follow the kid's progress throughout the year. Keep up the good work!!