Monday, March 03, 2008

Slavery Movie

Welcome March...I can't wait for Spring weather to come and stay.
Here is our March calendar. See if your child can find their shamrock.
Here is NE reading as his grandma listens in. She was
subbing for our reading assistant today.
LH and NW painting their shamrock calendar pieces.
Finally, after many tries, we did it!
I hope you enjoy our movie on slavery.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Schimel'
I really liked the movie. I got on your website right when I got home and watched the movie. I enjoyed seeing the picturs.
From Lily

Anonymous said...

Dear Room 4 friends,
Your Slavery movie is awesome.
The pictures told the story as well
as your words. We are glad brave people made slavery against the law.
Thanks for sharing it on your blog.

Your friends in room 5

Anonymous said...

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