Friday, September 19, 2008

First Birthday Magazine

We went on the blog today and took turns reading the comments.
What a fun way to motivate us to read. Thank you all for your input.
Today was EN's birthday. We interviewed her and then typed up her answers and will be putting them into a coffee table magazine. Near or on each students birthday this year we will create their magazine. This is one of my favorite activities, they are so much fun!

EN is so dynamic she captivated our attention.

I had everyone take turns holding this cake while I took their picture.
We will use this photo for the cover of their magazine.

Then of course they talked me into letting them eat the cake.

At the end of the day we went into the computer lab and took our spelling test.
Look in backpacks to find test results and more important papers.
Below is our first published class book. Click on the center arrow and then sit back and enjoy.
Depending on your internet speed, pages will automatically turn. Can you identify your child's voice? (They don't think it sounds at all like them).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We loock fuuny J.B