Friday, September 26, 2008

Testing With Activotes

We have been earning pennies since the first day of school, but today was the first day that we started talking about money counting strategies. Here is JR working at the interactive board while the rest of us are writing our answers on our small white boards.
Today during reading groups we used the activotes (remotes that register each students answer to the reading questions presented on the interactive board). Here we are focused on reading the question.
Covering our eyes because we aren't sure if we are going to get the right answer....
and...yeah, we were right!
And this is what it looks like if we get it wrong. Urgh!
And what it looks like getting the answer right again. Yeah!
We really like being able to know right away if our answer is correct.
Each full week of school, we will take a simple math test to evaluate
our retention of certain math concepts learned earlier in the week.
Here is EN working on her test.
Here is AR laying on the floor so she has some privacy.
BB who always seems to have a smile no matter what he is doing. :o)
We also took our spelling test today and I am so happy with every ones studying.
Well done second grade!


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Anonymous said...

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