Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Today I introduced our spelling program.
Students can access their spelling list here on the blog.
Here is how to navigate the site.
1. Click on "Spelling right here on the blog (top right)
2. Click on the "Find a list" tab on the top left
3. Fill in "schimel" at the "Enter Search Term" dialog box
4. Under the "Name" tab click on the link (this week it says: Short vowels: a,i)
Students will need to practice their weekly words and prepare for their Friday test.
Each Friday, students will have a spelling test and a math test here at school.
We are starting with simple words so that we can focus on the routine. Words will progress as time goes by.
We have been going to the computer lab to create our name badges.
Here is AS with hers.
We also wrote our parents a letter today to explain our homework assignment for second grade. You should get it tonight.
Here is JC with his letter. If you didn't get your letter, you can click on
JC and it will show up larger and you can read his.
Here we are working on our letter.
I was very happy with how hard everyone was working.

This morning we went to the Parents Club Bookfair.
Many students are bringing home their "wishlist".

We also had our pictures taken today.
Here you can see the photographer showing DC how to pose.
Here we are waiting in line for our turn.


Anonymous said...

Your new spelling game is so fun.I hope you all get a chance to practice at home. It is really a great game. I look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces..Mrs. Been

brenda said...

Hi Mrs. Schimel, A.P. loves the online classroom activties and I'm truly enjoying the blog as I check it almost daily. Thanks for keeping the parents informed. Mrs. Primmer