Thursday, October 30, 2008

Big Pumpkin Play

The Big Pumpkin play is a tradition in my room. Each year we read the story, make the background, and then dress up to act the story out for our McKay kindergartners and first graders. We had a great time and it was really fun to perform for our friends and families. Here is JD as the ghost.Here is the cast as... "first they pulled hard and then they pulled harder but that pumpkin just SAT!"

"Drat!" said AP.

Here is another group after their performance. I just love to see children working together and having so much fun.

TK made a great bat.

EN as our mummy.
DC as our vampire.

KC was our witch for two of our plays. She did a great job!

Here they are trying to pull the pumpkin off the vine. Looks like good teamwork to me.

Here is our final group of actors for the day. It was a lot of fun watching the children perform.
AG as our witch.
BB as our bat.
Happy Halloween everyone!

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