Monday, December 01, 2008

Qwest Grant Approved

Today was our lucky day!
We found out that the grant we wrote was approved from Qwest.
Qwest awarded McKay School $7,400 to purchase 4 more interactive boards and another set of Activotes. This will double what our school has now. Our second graders are excited because they want to have these boards in all their classes from now on. Once we have them, we don't want to be without them. Thank you Qwest!
The East Oregonian invited us to send in our letters to Santa so they can print them in their Christmas Eve edition. Here is EN writing her letter.
Here is DC working on his letter. Look at him concentrating. Look, our handwriting is improving too.
Let us help you with your holiday shopping.
Looking for that gift for someone who has everything?
Everyone can use cards. We have our cards now and are ready to sale them to YOU! Each package contains 8 different cards and 8 envelopes, all for $5.00.


jaimeb said...

Wow! That is so exciting and nice of Qwest to donate such a wonderful gift for your school. I know everyone will be so excited..Love, Mrs.Been

Anonymous said...

I like those card's love mrs. Akers