Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Here we are in the gym talking about how we learned to hit the volleyball.

Here we are during reading time. It is neat to see how much more we get done with the help of our laptops. Everyone is either reading, practicing spelling, or working on their typing skills.
Some students are getting good enough to type without looking at the keys.

We also started a new math class were students can get a little more time and help.

This is one of our second grade friends. He was so cute, I just had to put his picture on to share. You can see his class blog at:
I got a little behind in our birthday books. We had three birthdays within the last few days.
Here is KS as she is being interviewed.

Yesterday we started our next pen pal letters.
Here LS is re-reading her letter before she responds.

EN is ready to type her letter as it sits next to her.
Wednesday we had our "Kindness" awards assembly.
The leadership students had our full attention as they were presenting special awards.
We also did our DIBELS testing today. Here are a few girls waiting for their turn.
Don't forget to be reading at least 20 minutes each night. By the end of second grade we expect second graders to be able to read 90 wpm at the second grade level.
This afternoon we took the laptops to our second grade friends next door and helped them with a writing project.
We had a great time together.

It is fun to share time and knowledge with friends. This group is bringing the laptop cases over to their room.
Mr. JC lost another tooth.
This month we focused on the character trait of kindness, and today I was honored to award these students with a special certificate. I am pleased to also announce that everyone in our room earned their kindness charm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Schimel thanks for asking the ESD for the laptops. I like to practice my typing. GU