Monday, June 08, 2009

Meeting Our Pen Pals at the Park

Last week we met our pen pals in person at the park. We ate lunch together and then played for the afternoon. Here we are taking a "good" picture.

And then of course....the CRAZY picture.

We had a great time together and can't wait to see each other around town.

It was easy to get to know each other during the water fight because we would squirt each other and laugh.

We learned how to say T name right.
I had fun playing against WH.
I liked it when SY joined our team during the water fight.

I found out that my pen pal was not as short as I was thinking she would be. She was really really tall.

I had fun squirting JW when he was squirting me.
I learned that CK is a lot taller than me. I liked it when he talked to me.
I learned that KW doesn't like to get wet.
It was fun squirting AC in the water fight. He would squirt me back.
When we had the water fight, PB and I both squirted each other a lot because we both like water.
We played by the tree a lot.
I had fun eating lunch with AD and N.
I thought it was nice that C gave me a cupcake during lunch.
I liked meeting NH and spending time with her.
I learned that A is really nice.
During lunch CG and I talked about each other. She is nice. She loved to squirt us, specially me.
At lunch we talked about each other and then we wanted to be a team and play against the boys.
KC has the same initials as me and she has the same swimsuit as me.
RH and I were on the same team and we found out that we really like each other. She looks a little different than her picture at the beginning of the year.
BG squirted PB at the park.
I found out that HS doesn't like carrots.
I found out that TN doesn't like water fights.
CB was really nice to me.
We loved being with our Pen Pals!
We hope you all have a T-EE-RR-II-FF-II-CC summer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pen Pals, we had
so much fun with you at the park also! We loved reading the things you learned about us and we hope to see you over the summer - maybe at the Aquatic Center. We will treasure our pen pals forever and we hope you have a GREAT summer and 3rd grade year!
From, Your Pen Pals at Sherwood!