Monday, December 14, 2009


This morning we were invited to Mrs. Thorne's office to see all the items she purchased with the money we gave her. She was able to pick up pajamas, a shirt, jeans, sweats, and a couple toys for each person in the family. AW summed it all up with, "It feels good to give".

Then in the afternoon we got the ESD lab out to do our work. We will have them in our room for the month of January. Can't wait to see what all we will be able to do with them.

Then of course we spent time outside playing in the snow.
It was the perfect day to play in the snow. It was warm, the snow was packing, and we had a great team working to make a snowman.
It took a lot of convincing to get SW to add his snowball to our group one, but we finally got him to give in.
KB was really good at bringing snowballs over.
Our finished product with LG and TD.

What a fun day together.


Stacy B said...

Not only did you already use the computers but you already posted pictures! Even though I don't post comments all the time, I read and love your classroom journal.


Montana Mom and Dad said...

KB's Grandma from Montana reads your posts, too, and marvels over the adventures they experience each day of school. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mrs. Schimel.

Anonymous said...

This is Jeffrey hi!

abby rinehart said...

hope you all had a cool winter with all the snow and everything else!!!!

emily rinehart said...

i love the snow

kristie said...

That snow man is cute very cute.