Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Spirit Week

Your child needs to return their S.T.A.R reading sheet with their reading goal completed to be able to attend the Skate Party on Tuesday. Sheets HAVE TO BE IN THE OFFICE BY 8:15 ON FRIDAY!
Friday we had our first Awards Assembly. Here are the students that we honored this month.
Our class also won the golden whistle award in P.E. AND the golden book for being so responsible in the library.

We also participated in a short video of our school wide Mustang Moments. This is the "News" that we are broadcasting about every other month. Here CC is acting as the teacher, while JA and CF are acting as the parents in a conference. Come by early during conferences to view these videos on the laptop outside my classroom (10 - 15 minutes early should do it).
Waiting for the Awards Assembly to begin. We were dressed in orange and black to support our decisions to be drug free. Orange you glad to be drug free!

We had such a great time dressing up for Spirit Week! Here is sports day.

Wacky Wednesday

Pajama Day!

1 comment:

ziggy said...

wacky wednesday was very very funy.