Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mrs. Thorne

Guest Blogger today is TP (girl)
Mrs. Thorne came today and told us a story.
It was called Tatle Tounge. It was about a person who tatled. And so he got a deseise called tatle tounge.

After Mrs. Thorne told us Tatle Tounge she taght us what we should do if something little happened, like if someone cut us in line and we decided if we should tell or not.


Anonymous said...

The book that mrs.thorn read to us was cool so woch aut for the bad caes uf tatol tun.ab

DW said...

What is time out strateg?

jessie said...

I learned from my teacher the phairse littel probem big problem

Anonymous said...

whats the time out stradegy