Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Art Work

Here is a poster I made during the first week of school that everyone is really enjoying, so I wanted to share it with you too.

Last week we finished our pumpkin paintings. First we drew the pumpkins and then traced those lines with Elmer's glue. After the glue dried, we painted our pumpkins trying to shade them so they would look 3 dimensional. What do you think of our art? Did you ever draw or paint pumpkins when you were growing up? What did they look like?

Enjoying every moment,
Cindy Schimel

1 comment:

Vicky s. said...

Hi mrs.schimel, this is Vicky. I am now in fifth grade! Mrs.Noble is a great teacher. The kind of math I'm doing right now is kind of new. But very interesting. Anyway, I was just wonderind how you were and...... OH! I almost forgot! You have my little sister Rosie in your class! How neat! Anyway I gotta go. But your students have very great artistic skills!