Monday, December 10, 2012

We have started working on division and I thought it would be the perfect time to use QR codes. Students worked with their partner to scan each QR code and then showed the solution on their paper using numbers, pictures, and words. Using the QR codes provided a nice opportunity for students to get up and move a little between each problem. Once they scanned their next problem, they were ready to settle in and solve the next one.

Enjoying every moment,
Cindy Schimel

Location:QR Code Math

1 comment:

Pa said...

Division and QR codes? Definitely not the "new" math I learned way back when. There were no QR codes or iPhones or even calculators back then. Only paper and pencil. LRO will have to explain all of this to Pa, when she sees him in about 55 divided by 5 days.

Thank you for maintining such an entertaining blog. We enjoy being able to see what our granddaughter is doing, even though we don't live in Pendleton.