Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What a Great Day

Today students were able go on the computers in our room and use the Read Natural program. It is a great way to work on improving our fluency. Students read a passage for one minute (computer tracks how many words read), then they listen and read along as the computer reads to them. Once they feel like they know the words in the story they have a grown up listen to them and hopefully pass onto the next reading level. Our goal is to be able to read 120 or more words in a minute before the end of second grade. We finished writing in our Home Journals today.
Each week we will write a letter home to our mom and dads.
Then over the weekend parents will write a note back to us.
Then on Monday students will read their letters from their parents.
This is a fun way to practice reading and writing.
Parent please remember to write in print as cursive
is a little too hard to read at this age.
This is JM's finished letter. I sure was impressed by their
nice handwriting. I hope you are too.
Today we met our 4th grade reading buddies.
It was a lot of fun. Here you can see CD with JM.
Here GH is reading with ER a former 2nd grader of mine.
We have more second graders than fourth graders, so LR was lucky
enough to have two reading buddies.

Thank you to all who have left a comment on the blog. We love to read how much you enjoy and appreciate it. Thanks for sharing in our lives and making learning so much fun (We love to read your notes).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to say thank you again for this blog....I so look forward checking to see what the kids are doing, and to get to see the updated pictures.
Sounds like you are all off to a great start :)
Good luck to everyone today.
Lana H (aka grandma)