Thursday, January 22, 2009

Capitol Building Illustrations

We finished our pen pal letters today.
We are becoming very good at helping each other and trouble shooting.
I am so pleased with how comfortable students are with the laptops.

This afternoon we took our second district wide math test.
We are mastering many concepts. After looking through them, it looks like many of us could use some help in rounding to the nearest ten. (example: 67 would round up to 70)

You can see on our faces that everyone is feeling confident about their math abilities.

We have been having a lot of discussions about how we would like our world to be. One site we
have used is of President Obama's letter to his daughters.
(Ignore the ad in the beginning)
We have also been talking about Washington D.C.
Here are some of our drawings of the Capitol Building.


Anonymous said...

Wow you all look like you are doing so well drawing. So focused on your work! The White House is such a beautiful building. Keep up the great work 2nd graders..Love, Mrs. Been

Anonymous said...

I like the pictures of the Capital building too :).. Mrs. Been