Monday, January 26, 2009

Fun In The Snow

It was so fun to finally go outside and play in the snow today.
There were many "snow tasters" out and about.

We also found out that the slide was super fast. Here SO is flying down it.
I had to venture way out in the field to wrangle up these athletes but it was well worth it.
They are great kids!

FA celebrating the great ride down the slide.
DC had fun collecting chunks of snow. JC did too.

This afternoon we started typing articles for our next newspaper.
I love how focused everyone is when they use the laptops.
I don't know what we are going to do without them.

Here BB is finishing up the final touches to his pen pal letter.
TK has a little bit left to do too.
We do have a new spelling list this week.
I will also be sending home report cards this Friday.
I have created an additional portion to go with the report card
that will show you your child's strengths and weaknesses.
I hope that they will be helpful to you.

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