Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hard At Work

We are learning how to round numbers to 10.
KA working on her writing assignment.
MM is concentrating hard too.
We have been focusing on two skills in our writing.
1. Starting with a capital letter
2. Ending with a period
Here LG is doing some peer editing to help her friends accomplish these goals.
We also learned a new spelling game today. We call it Pig.
Maybe your child will teach you how to play it.
I find students learn their words faster and transfer these words correctly in their daily writing if practiced this way. Enjoy and good luck. Spelling test on Friday.

We had an assembly today too.
The group Primary Focus came and encouraged us
to stay drug free and to be the best we can be.

We took a group photo today. Aren't they all cute.
I like them. I bet you do too.


Montana Mom and Dad said...

Hello, I will be checking in on your Blogs now and then to see KB and her classmates. Hope to be in Pendleton for a visit one of these days. Thank you Mrs. Schimel.

Unknown said...

Mrs. Schimel, boys and girls,
Thank you for letting me help in your class today. I can see everyone has been working really hard in math because I sure corrected a lot of papers!

I enjoyed meeting everyone and I hope you will help me learn your names. It takes me a while, but I'll get there.

I can tell I'm going to love Thursdays this year. Some of the things I liked most about my first Thursday were: seeing my friend Mrs. Schimel (isn't she nice!), the beautiful new table, meeting new students and seeing some familiar faces from last year, trying out the new remote controls (you'll have to help me remember what they are really called), seeing how pleased Mrs. Schimel is when you listen and follow directions the first time. I know it's not easy, but if we try we can do it! I also love, love, love organizing papers and drawers and shelves and whatever else needs to be organized. If I had a chance I'd probably organize you too!
There was so much more that I loved about being in your room today, but I better let you get to work so you can fill my basket again.
Love, Mrs. Kinsley

Stacy B said...

I've heard a lot about that assembly and the game Pig. In fact, you would never believe how much K talks and talks about your class! Thanks for everything.